Training, the great challenge requires great solutions.
After having travelled throughout Catalonia identifying the current problems of organizations and providing innovative solutions hand in hand with the best experts, we headed to Manresa to celebrate the last Summit of 2022.
On October 19 we meet in Oller del Mas, where we will deal with a key and essential issue for the functioning of organizations and our society, Training.
- How to attract and retain talent?
- How to get the most out of all the Talent and Knowledge that we have in our organization?
- How do we make Dual Training effective and real? Do all companies have the capacity to do it? How should they do it?
At Manresa we will bring together the best experts in these matters to provide innovative solutions to all these challenges.
It is essential for an organization to promote training and development, generating a stimulating work environment and fostering a culture of responsibility, but this is not enough, it is currently essential to create a feeling of belonging towards a common and shared goal that benefits us.
We will deal with a basic and transversal topic in all Industries, Dual Training, an essential tool in Talent management, where collaboration between companies, universities and vocational training centers is essential for the development of the economy.
Talent and knowledge management are the main assets of organizations, often undervalued. The correct valuation and use of these assets allows us to distinguish those companies with a vision of the future from those that have been stuck in the past.