Talent and Knowledge Congress

Talent and Knowledge Congress

Pablo Vega de Llergo

Glíptica: Founder

Pablo Vega de Llergo is a professor of corporate strategy, project management and sustainability at ESADE. He is a business leader passionate about improving and transforming business operations, building partnerships to link market needs and strategies.

Pablo uses the latest strategic methodologies to innovate business models that deliver resilient and sustainable businesses. He is currently one of the few Strategyzer business model innovation coaches.

He has over 25 years of experience at blue chip companies (Ricoh, Sun Microsystems/Oracle, and Procter & Gamble), implementing business strategies to grow the business, improve operations, and drive business goals, sales, profits, and profitability. sustainability.

More than 22 years influencing, executing and establishing alliances in ESG programs (Environment, Sustainability & Governance).

Generalitat de Catalunya
Diputació de Barcelona
Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya
FC Barcelona
Consell de Cambres
Barcelona Turisme