Knowurbannet: President of think tank
Expert in the strategic development of urban management and Smart Cities
- Founding member of 360Smartminds
- Founding member of the Knowurbannet think tank
- Director of the "International Smart City Manager Master" of the company Zigurat Global Institute of Technology
Master's website
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the "Business for Smart Cities Expocongress"
- I have been part of different organizations: City Protocol Society, Technical Committee of the Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI), Technical Committee of Smart Cities "AEN / CTN 178" of the Spanish Association AENOR, Network INNPULSO, European Innovation Prtnership on smart Cities and Communities (EIP SCC) among others.
- Teacher in the Smart Social Cities postgraduate course at the UB and in the postgraduate course at Smart City. Planning and management of a Smart City at the URV
- Coordinator of the "Sabadell Ciudad Inteligente" program
- Technical Architect from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).