Talent and Knowledge Congress

Talent and Knowledge Congress

Talent Knowledge Congress 2021


16 & 27 NOVEMBER 2021

The first International Talent and Knowledge Management Congress

The Talent & Knowledge Congress is the annual meeting place for companies that want to adapt to the modern times, paying special attention to the human factor, changing strategies and structures, incorporating new tools and modifying processes, but above all, focusing on participation, collaboration and especially the people.


John Hoffman
John Hoffman
CEO and Director
Michael Blackman
Michael Blackman
I.S.E. (Integrated System Europe)
Managing Director
Andreu Mas-Colell
Andreu Mas-Colell
Professor of Economics (Expert in Microeconomics)
Esteve Almirall
Esteve Almirall
Guillem Recolons Argenter
Guillem Recolons Argenter
Omnia Branding
Xavier Sala-i-Martín
Xavier Sala-i-Martín
Columbia University
Professor of Economics
Hybrid Event
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Talent & Knowledge Roadmap

We build the roadmap of talent and knowledge to transform organizations

At a time when everything seems to be spinning faster and faster in the midst of the most uncertain scenarios in human history, we are facing a business model that is bursting at the seams, in the midst of the digital transformation of organizations, marking another point. of turning more to pay attention to the human factor, changing strategies, structures and modifying processes, but above all focusing on participation, collaboration and especially on people. Now the value lies in the employees who are the real engine for organizations to be much more efficient, sustainable and above all competitive.

The first international congress on knowledge management will become the annual marketplace between companies that want to adapt to the new times and those companies that can help in this transformation. This first conference will focus on the latest trends in innovation, technology, organizational culture, talent capture and retention, intangible valuation, and funding.

The congress will revolve around 3 main axes:

1. Roadmap

Crear un ROAD MAP para ordenar y organizar la comunidad que posibilita la gestión y transferencia del talento y el conocimiento.

2. Marketplace

Desarrollar un MARKETPLACE internacional para conectar a toda la comunidad que hace posible la gestión y transferencia del talento y del conocimiento.

City Brand
3. City Brand

Posicionar a Barcelona como el epicentro de gestión del conocimiento y del talento en el ámbito internacional.



To achieve the objectives, we will bring together experts, stakeholders, pioneers and world leaders in talent and knowledge management to establish collaborations and move forward together.

At the same time, we are creating a Chair at the UPF that will be the oversight body between congresses.

Why Talent & Knowledge Management?

Knowledge management is essential in a competitive global knowledge-based economy. It is well known that the most advanced countries are measured by their capacity for innovation, their infrastructure and knowledge generation, and this is reflected in the global innovation indices led by countries such as Switzerland, cities such as Helsinki and innovation clusters such as Shenzhen. These regions have the capacity to attract and retain talent and venture capital investment, company innovation and R&D centres, a positive technological balance, a high capacity for technology transfer and the generation of start-ups and/or a high production and value of their patents.

The democratization of knowledge management is key at this time and in this new technologically accelerated world.

Knowledge resides in every citizen, each with their own abilities but also limitations. Every human community, whether a company, town, city, district, residents’ association, or even a group of friends or a family hosts a significant amount of knowledge. Logically, this knowledge must be organised and filtered.

In order for this knowledge to contribute, to function, to flow, it is necessary to connect it. If we do not connect it, it is lost; it will only be of use to the person pr people in contact with it. If we connect it and create the necessary tools and mechanisms to harness it, we can make unimaginable quantities of knowledge, ideas and opportunities flow, and this way, detect talent.

How many business ideas or initiatives can never be realized because someone’s ideas and knowledge are not adequately connected? How much value and talent do we waste by not being able to connect our companies with expertise in our field that has not been disclosed?

By means of collective intelligence tools, we can awaken and connect all this knowledge and take full advantage of it in the form of ideas and projects, and also to detect talent. Placing a value on the knowledge we have so as to strengthen it and tackle new challenges together as a society. This is the challenge we wish to take on and overcome at the First Talent and Knowledge Congress.

Talent and Organizational Culture
1. Talent and Organizational Culture
Intellectual Capital, Intangibles and Financing
2. Intellectual Capital, Intangibles and Financing
Innovation and Technology
3. Innovation and Technology
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